I ordered some tires over the internet. wheres the cheapest place u know of to just get mounting+balancing?
8/1/2008 9:24:57 AM
theys all gonna be similar in price. you should have had them sent to a shop if you had the option, some online dire dist. have that option to send to a preffered installer.. and it also gives the price
8/1/2008 10:36:30 AM
Call Duty Tire off of Tryon and see if they mount tires that you bring them.
8/1/2008 10:41:20 AM
your mom's
8/1/2008 11:28:52 AM
they quoted me $70. wtf. are there any places that will do it for under 50?
8/1/2008 1:29:53 PM
to mount and balance 4 tires? $70 is a fair price. the shop i use to work at charged $20 per tire
8/1/2008 1:36:50 PM
hey baonest, do you need an FSB for a corolla by any chance?
8/1/2008 1:53:48 PM
what is an FSB good sir?
8/1/2008 1:55:17 PM
front sway bar.http://www.brentroad.com/message_topic.aspx?topic=535992
8/1/2008 1:58:10 PM
Yeah, $70's not extremely high....it's probably average.I charge $15 each to mount/balance at the shop in High Point, NC.
8/1/2008 2:28:24 PM
around here it's 15 a tire for normal stuff, 20-25 a piece for 19"+
8/1/2008 2:50:04 PM