So it turns out, i need an additional nat. science lab to graduate in the fall. I took biology/intro weather and climate and took the weather & climate lab. The bio lab section is now full. Is it possible to take a geology lab or something similar or are you forced to take the class before you can take the lab?any help would be appreciated
7/31/2008 1:06:21 PM
pb101?i think most labs list the class as a corequisite.]
7/31/2008 9:32:18 PM
coreq's are lame
7/31/2008 9:43:01 PM
omfto think they want you to actually know something about the stuff you're playing with!it's obscene, really.
7/31/2008 9:47:16 PM
it's obviously more exciting if you don't know what the chemicals will do when you mix them together...
7/31/2008 9:58:53 PM
nevermind, i was browsing around and noticed that oceanography had a lab. i took that a couple years ago.
7/31/2008 10:47:34 PM