i am under contract with AT&T right now and the service sucks. i get dropped calls or never get the calls in the first place. i randomly have voicemails from hours earlier when my phone never even rang. when i do have service the calls are always breaking up and hard to understand. my dad and brother just switched off of my family plan to go to verizon because they were having the same issues. (they weren't under contract).has anyone had experience with similar issues and successfully gotten out of their contract without having to pay the fee? they said it would cost $175 to break my contract (i have another year left on it), and i'm hoping to avoid that. the service is truly terrible and i'm tired of it.thanks
6/23/2008 9:07:04 PM
uh, there are umpteen million pages on this across the internet...
6/23/2008 9:10:36 PM
1) sounds like you need to try a different phone before trying to break contract2) other tricks to cancel
6/23/2008 9:11:02 PM
well my dad and brother each had different phones and had the same trouble i did. im looking over some of those other options. sounds like anything will be a pain in the ass. and then there's the question of whether i can keep my same number if i get out of my contract that way. it's really annoying though to see a commercial every commercial break talking about how "if only i had at&t i wouldn't have missed your call". what bullshit.
6/23/2008 9:44:42 PM
i have absolutely no problems with AT&T
6/23/2008 11:10:28 PM
6/23/2008 11:19:14 PM
6/23/2008 11:24:59 PM
i have a samsung blackjack. i havent heard of that phone having signal problems, but who knows.my apt is near gorman and avent ferry intersection for coverage area reference
6/24/2008 12:03:48 AM
i live near you, at gorman and marcom. sounds like you are getting interference from something or your phone just sucks
6/24/2008 12:16:33 AM
hmm,maybe it is the phone:http://news.softpedia.com/news/Oh-No-Samsung-Blackjack-Can-Have-Faulty-Functionality-72036.shtmli've already had my phone replaced once under warranty for this reason though. i have less dropped calls since the replacement but i still get several missed calls/voicemails when the phone never rang and the calls are always broken up.i may just have to pay to get out of the contract, but that sucks if i do.
6/24/2008 2:56:51 AM
I'm on AT&T, too, and the phone seems to work everywhere except for my subdivision. In fact we had to get a landline only because we can't make or receive calls from the cells inside the house (except for upstairs in one corner). I'm pretty sure it's the service and not the phone, as I have brought in other AT&T phones and they didn't work, either. Lo and behold, I'm also on contract until next Feb I would think that if they really can't provide you service at your house, you should be able get out of the contract without paying the fee. I've been leery to do so, though, since my neighborhood is in a ditch and I doubt that any other cell service would be much better.Good luck and let us know how it goes.
6/24/2008 7:12:32 AM
Kazi, I had the same problem in my neighborhood w/Sprint. I called them and they said I should be getting service just fine, I was right on the border of the no service zone. I got really pissed after she brought up the early term fee, and just said "If I'm supposed to get service here, send out a tech to my house, have him bring different phones, and try to make a call from anywhere near the house". Of course he never came, but they never charged the fee.
6/24/2008 10:13:43 AM
yeah it all pretty much depends on where you fall in the coverage maps. my brother's going to asu in the fall and apparently verizon is pretty much the only service that works good around there so that's why he went to them. i'm looking at the coverage map for sprint and it shows "good" service at my apartment. it's not "best", but their good has to be better than what i'm getting right now.
6/24/2008 10:46:14 AM