that's my plan. i figured it out. NYC would be much cooler as a married couple with no kids. i'm meeting an exotic chick that's pious and hot. wifing it . . . and bringing my trophy wife to NYC. for a great life with brownstones, a live in nanny and a driver (5 year goal).
5/20/2008 8:57:42 AM
so by exotic chick you mean stripper, right?
5/20/2008 8:58:37 AM
Lemme know if you need some quality affordable photography.
5/20/2008 8:59:04 AM
exotic, i'm thinking maybe Brasilian, Swed, South African, something like that, but a U.S. Citizen.
5/20/2008 8:59:34 AM
lemme know if you need some quality affordable printing.
5/20/2008 8:59:58 AM
I'll take Brazilian for 1000, Alex.
5/20/2008 9:01:43 AM
oh so this is alll methaphoric at this point
5/20/2008 9:04:20 AM
lemme know if you need some quality affordable metaphors.
5/20/2008 9:05:23 AM
i'm putting it out there. its going to happen.wife and kids in NYC. happy home, fireplace, good weed, probably get a S550 for the family. that's the life.i'm projecting here.
5/20/2008 9:08:12 AM
good luck getting the cash.
5/20/2008 9:08:49 AM
lemme know if you need some quality affordable punches in the face
5/20/2008 9:09:12 AM
punches to the face!
5/20/2008 9:09:48 AM
i'm doing well as a single person. if i could combine an extra income life would be ballerific . . . and i can only make more money in the future.
5/20/2008 9:09:53 AM
and what exactly do yout hink your chances of landing said woman who's pulling in 100k+?even then on 200k you cant live your dream.
5/20/2008 9:11:23 AM
i don't plan on having kids right off. i think its possible to life good in NYC. when my ex and i lived together we made about $200K combined and we had an extraordinary home life. great potential to be beyond that, but we were on the decline of the relationship.
5/20/2008 9:14:23 AM
5/20/2008 9:29:15 AM
5/20/2008 9:34:25 AM
Mmmm.Sexiest men alive are South Africans.They'll make your heart skip a beat.
5/20/2008 9:36:08 AM
Sweet. "Add to my topics". This should be an amusing thread for the day.
5/20/2008 9:46:55 AM
/message_topic.aspx?topic=517353 [Edited on May 20, 2008 at 10:28 AM. Reason : dsf]
5/20/2008 10:28:40 AM
You have a job? I thought you just snorted coke and made threads about hoping you could change your life all day?
5/20/2008 10:34:36 AM
i think it could work. first off no kids are involved. and its too single people in the city. guys, i've lived in NYC before. been there all my life. i know the cost. i'm imagining $3000-3500 bucks a month for rent in probably midtown NYC or along that area . . . me and my wife. my current car will probably be paid for by then. i'll park it in jersey.
5/20/2008 10:40:06 AM
where's the thread about this guy getting married? I know there's gotta be one somewhere.
5/20/2008 10:43:54 AM
5/20/2008 11:02:33 AM
whats the nanny for if you have no kids?
5/20/2008 11:25:32 AM
wait, you're gonna have a nanny for what exactly? with no kids i assume the nanny is for you, you know to change your poopies and give you apple juice in a sippy cup?
5/20/2008 11:27:10 AM
Just do it.
5/20/2008 11:49:57 AM
I think the nanny is for him to cheat on his wife with.
5/20/2008 12:15:37 PM
bestus, gi'm looking at a move myself. gonna have to be within a year or so, or i doubt i'll get far. i want to go back out west, though. (i like their inflation better)
5/20/2008 12:22:03 PM
i'd like to have a live in nanny just to have around. particularly a foreigner, but i'd like her to be able to organize my iTunes, clean, mop, dust, and cook some times. and prepare my wife for children and helping her around too.
5/20/2008 1:15:45 PM
what exactly are you going to do to make money in NY?
5/20/2008 1:18:41 PM
you live in a strange world.
5/20/2008 1:24:46 PM
5/20/2008 1:26:51 PM
i don't know itunes, so i'm just assuming he's talking about mp3s.and i lost all my mp3s but while cleaning, i found a spool of cds and dvds... and one dvd said "4.5gb MP3 backup" - thank god, i have something. dvd was kinda fucked up, but the music held up!i don't think i sort mine very well, i only have 3 folders on the cd[unsorted][nofx][full albums]
5/20/2008 1:33:36 PM
that's badassi have the most asanine foldering system for finding shitrars/newrars/processedmusic/20may08/album1dl'dthatdaymusic/20may08/album2dl'dthatdaymusic/20may08/album3dl'dthatdaymusic/20may08/album4dl'dthatdaybut itunes organizes it for me!!!;12;1;2!247897t4rioahwe[Edited on May 20, 2008 at 1:36 PM. Reason : only have to add 1 folder per day of d/ln shit]
5/20/2008 1:36:21 PM
i have about 450 albums on my iTunes. about 27G of music. and if an artist is featured on a song it makes it a seperate entry. i'd like her to be able to clean stuff like that up and help my wife out with stuff. she'd be live in so her fees shouldn't be that much. it could be a college student or a younger professional woman with a second job.
5/20/2008 1:37:59 PM
real ballers rock the 160gB ipods
5/20/2008 1:38:55 PM
isn't it about time for you to leave tww again?
5/20/2008 2:35:30 PM
5/20/2008 2:41:09 PM
fuck, they're the ones that need to be prepared.
5/20/2008 2:42:28 PM
5/20/2008 2:55:05 PM
Even Old New York, was once New Amsterdam...
5/20/2008 4:38:24 PM
^ exactly. thats the whole point of http://Amsterdam718
5/20/2008 4:45:51 PM
keeping an expensive car safe in NYC would be hell
5/20/2008 5:02:09 PM
i'm making sure my car is paid off before i go. i know i'll want to drive, but i'll keep it parked in jersey (monthly) if necessary. that way i can get my car when i need it, but i'm definitely living in manhattan.
5/20/2008 5:43:09 PM
wanna hear my pipe dream?
5/20/2008 5:43:54 PM
this isn't a pipe dream. its very attainable.
5/20/2008 8:25:18 PM
don't you have court dates to handleand what about not having a job
5/20/2008 9:04:48 PM
paid the lawyer. he says it looks good ^.
5/20/2008 10:21:16 PM
5/20/2008 10:51:32 PM