I just need to accept that I'll never be able to dual boot without headaches.So I used Wubi to get Heron on my PC (in addition to Windows).Ever since then, I can't "fast switch" between profiles in Windows XP.When I switch users, the computer shuts down completely, then loads to the user selection screen.This is really annoying.
5/8/2008 4:03:30 PM
I've always had problems with a dual-boot windows/linux, I recently said fuck it and got rid of the windows.That doesn't really help you, but at least you know you aren't the only one with dual-boot issues
5/8/2008 4:13:19 PM
I have never had issues dual booting with linux (Ubuntu, Fedora). Maybe you guys just suck.
5/8/2008 8:31:09 PM