Well, I'm at a conference and everyone got a free 8GB iTouch as a gift.This is going to be difficult for me...I've got to actually install apple software on my computer. I feel dirty.But this thing is so damn neat. GAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
5/4/2008 6:00:10 PM
i'll be glad to take it off your hands for $5
5/4/2008 6:02:28 PM
5/4/2008 6:03:09 PM
5/4/2008 6:03:58 PM
5/4/2008 6:04:55 PM
8gb wouldnt hold my guided by voices folder
5/4/2008 6:06:17 PM
you can preserve your pride and let me take the iTouch off your hands for $20 dollar bucks
5/4/2008 6:07:27 PM
yeah if you wanna sell, im in the ipod marketbut its gotta have an FM band
5/4/2008 6:09:17 PM
5/4/2008 6:10:29 PM
My word, this thing is freakin' cool.CALL ME A SELL OUT! STAMP IT ON MY HEAD FOR ALL I CARE!
5/4/2008 6:10:43 PM
I can't stop doing the thing where you use two fingers to make the window bigger and smaller.
5/4/2008 6:12:44 PM
sounds dirty.
5/4/2008 6:13:00 PM
It is. Like the rest of me.
5/4/2008 6:14:32 PM
so its not for sale?i was gonna head over to JP morgan with nc86 and compare dicks tomorrow, i can take a little out if you wanna sell that bitch
5/4/2008 6:17:12 PM
Not for sale. Sorry. See above. I've forsaken my soul.
5/4/2008 6:17:52 PM
i enjoy saying iTouch too to piss off all these nerds
5/4/2008 6:19:27 PM
gf got me one for graduation... love it so far, can't wait to throw some 3rd party apps on it
5/4/2008 6:19:39 PM
but does it play FM?
5/4/2008 6:20:17 PM
5/4/2008 6:22:41 PM
nooo, don't put more things in the iRack
5/4/2008 6:23:48 PM
is it for sell? i'd like to bye it
5/4/2008 7:08:07 PM
5/4/2008 7:37:16 PM
Yeah seriously if you don't want it, I'd pay much better than the 21 dollars offered. What's your price if you don't want to install apple software, I don't have a problem doing such a thing.
5/4/2008 8:18:59 PM
You got one of these?
5/4/2008 8:19:29 PM
um what conference? and why didn't I know about it?
5/4/2008 8:20:24 PM
5/4/2008 8:22:10 PM
^^ North American Young Nuclear Professionals.Not for sale folks.
5/4/2008 11:19:45 PM
in words that i can understand, why is apple so shitty? or allegedly shitty, i guess. clearly i am not a computer science major OR any kind of science major. i was just wondering. it seems like everyone on her prefers windows, yea? i was just wondering what the anti-apple camp thought. is there a pro-apple camp?
5/4/2008 11:55:42 PM
there's a very large pro-apple camp.
5/4/2008 11:59:55 PM
^^ yup... which is why there are a lot of arguments in tech talk. usually the difference is whether the individual currently owns a mac or a windows machine, and in some cases the linux boys like to come out to play. people mostly seem to hate Apple because their stuff is expensive (which I completely agree with) and IMHO many are afraid of change. it's not uncommon to see people rag on macs/ipods/itunes/etc when a huge portion of the issue is familiarity and preference. basically, argument without substance. there are plenty on both sides of that little war, start a thread in tech talk about which is best if you want to see go nuts [Edited on May 5, 2008 at 12:02 AM. Reason : ]
5/5/2008 12:02:02 AM
eheh, I have that keyboardand, as to why apple is shitty? well, as far as MP3 players go, they are twice as expensive as similar models which have far more features. is that a good enough reason for you?^]
5/5/2008 12:02:10 AM
From a design point of veiw, the designs for the ipods are way better than their competition.
5/5/2008 12:04:43 AM
Wyloch - the 3rd party apps are currently added after jailbreaking the touch, which could mess something up but this is reversible from what i understand. however, the issue lies in firmware updates, which causes conflicts with the hacking (aka you'd have to restore to factory, then update the firmware, then redo all you had done, should you want to jailbreak and continue to update firmware from apple at the same time). i've done some reading up at very places on the tubes and seen that apple is gonna have an update this summer for an app store with paid and free apps, so all of this will (hopefully) be apple-supported soon so you can update and not hack the thing.^^ i have yet to see any mp3 player i'd trade for an ipod, especially a touch. the interface is can't get much better IMO. and i've already agreed about the price point, i hate it too.[Edited on May 5, 2008 at 12:06 AM. Reason : ]
5/5/2008 12:05:04 AM
hahaha. thanks for the explanation. i have a mac and i love it but i only use it for a basic computer...i don't run any kind of crazy programs. i know design people usually like macs because they run all those adobe programs on them. but so far it has worked WAY better than any other computer i've ever had. and i refuse to put windows on it only because my old computer totally blew up and died. i'm sure it was something i did, but i like to blame it on windows instead. but i really could care less either way. i also like my mac because its cute
5/5/2008 12:06:22 AM
that's fine. as long as you like paying twice as much for half the features.
5/5/2008 12:07:35 AM
5/5/2008 12:08:31 AM
geez, so fiesty.besides, it was my graduation present. and like i said, i don't need it to do like crazy things. i just use it to go on the internet, make powerpoints, and write papers.
5/5/2008 12:08:42 AM
ya welcome. you have little to worry about if you decide to dual boot windows, it's pretty strong. i have one true beef with it and that is the lack of support from ATI for the correct drivers. mbp's and probably macbooks too use a particular display interface to their built-in lcd's IIRC, and this causes a bit of a grainy display with grey gradients, minimal, but for somebody that does some graphic work it bugs me... it looks beautiful on my external monitor. this is partially ATI's fault, and a good bit Apple's fault, i personally think they dropped the ball on that issue. other than that windows runs really, really well on macs from my experience with it, xp and vista.
5/5/2008 12:10:20 AM
5/5/2008 12:10:56 AM
well, for starters, an FM tuner... voice recorder... ball scratcher...
5/5/2008 12:21:36 AM
5/5/2008 12:25:41 AM
ok. i'm just kidding. mine doesn't have a voice recorder >.<
5/5/2008 12:32:01 AM
Shucks. There is no SDK for Windows.
5/5/2008 5:51:29 PM
but does it play the ULLLLLLTIMATE song? Boston's "More than a Feeling?"
5/5/2008 7:16:59 PM
To any of you with ipods:I want to reformat my computer, and need to backup all my music before I wipe it. Since all of my collection is also on my iPod, then once I re-install and everything, is there anyway to copy the songs from my ipod to my computer? I can't seem to find a way. If it's not possible, then that's a pretty serious design oversight with regard to itunes...
5/18/2008 4:04:15 PM
i think you can copy over purchased music from the ipod, but not regular mp3s
5/18/2008 4:08:53 PM
5/18/2008 4:18:43 PM
5/18/2008 4:22:48 PM
I haven't even made an iTunes account. All my songs plain old mp3s. So I'll need some other program to crack the ipod manually and extract them if I want to use it as a true music storage device.
5/18/2008 5:02:07 PM
whoever said that is pretty much wrong, transferring anything over isn't hard
5/18/2008 5:03:35 PM