Is it better or worse in the real world? When your members all work for the same company does that make things any easier? Does a group with multiple backgrounds help or hinder due to scheduling, etc.? I guess for me, it would be more relevant in the Engineering fields, but all do apply.Reason I ask is I'm tired of having to be a manager for people who should know what deadlines are and was hoping to get some 'real world' feedback.
4/22/2008 6:36:53 AM
It varies for me, but I much prefer when I can work on my own most of the time in association with other folks that have their stuff in gear. As long as you are in the workforce, even if you own your own business, there will ALWAYS be people who don't know what a deadline is though.
4/22/2008 7:00:01 AM
Its much better in the real world, cause your reviews and job depend on how well you work in a team environment.But, just like in college, lazy people exist, but the difference is that you can normally tell who did what, and credit is given in some form accordingly.Well, at least that is my experience.
4/22/2008 8:05:01 AM