Whats upI graduated 3 years ago and im looking to go back and will basically be finishing up a math major (through DE and night classes) just to be able to take MA 547. I'm just wondering if anyone has taken or knows someone who has taken MA547, and if so, was it a decent class.thanks
4/21/2008 1:25:01 AM
Like all Financial Mathematics, I hear this class is really hard.
4/21/2008 7:38:39 AM
im not worried about the difficulty, just wanting to know if the professor is good and if the material covered is decent
4/21/2008 8:32:12 AM
no professor in financial math is good.they are all horrible.
4/24/2008 1:08:18 AM
^I was gonna say that too.
4/24/2008 7:22:18 AM