I know that Dr. Switzer used to teach it...but who's Ghada Rabah?
4/14/2008 10:08:11 AM
Shes a new professor. She is currently teaching CH315 for the first time and I believe she taught CH101 once last fall as well.
4/14/2008 12:52:27 PM
how are her exams compare to dr. switzer?
4/15/2008 9:36:52 PM
It's hard to compare since I've only seen her exams. I'm in the class right now and the exams are very fair and straightforward. They come directly from webassign and consist of multiple choice / problem solving. All needed formulas are given. In terms of the course, the lab is actually a much larger component of your grade than the hourly exams. You'll need to set aside an hour (maybe two) to complete the pre-lab each week and might find it helpful to work with your lab partner outside of class to create your spreadsheets (everything is done in EXCEL). A lot of my classmates struggle not only with Excel but with the amount of statistics involved. This class is 75% statistics, 20% laboratory procedures, 5% "textbook chemistry" in my opinion. In fact, I find the textbook to be completely impractical -- I don't know of any students in the class that use it.
4/16/2008 1:04:02 AM