Does america have a million troops? If we do why dont we send them all to iraq? I think a million troops could kill all the iraqis we need to kill.
4/5/2008 5:09:17 PM
I'm intrigued by your ideas and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
4/5/2008 5:31:07 PM
You should start a blog
4/5/2008 7:38:58 PM
Sounds similar to the numbers once called for in Vietnam.
4/5/2008 7:41:37 PM
we will never have another opportunity. we have to strike against Iran and Syria soon. I advocate the attack on Iran as being preemptive before they go nuclear and also a strike against Syria to disable terrorist supporters and to send a message to the free world. european supporters that must continue to silently side with Middle Eastern nations for oil must be confronted as well. hands need to be forced. war is the only answer. we must do this now. there is not other time that will be this perfect. We must do this now as we won't have the logisitcs again and also before we put the future of our soverign nation to the will of the people by voting in 2008. unfortunately, there is a liberal climate in america that our government has to make decisions for before they corrupt the minds of the masses and sway the american public. our civil liberties are at stake here.
4/5/2008 7:49:58 PM