There's this funny diagram I saw awhile back that's a flow chart of How to be a Carolina fan. It starts out with something like:1. Go to Carolina or 2. Go to Walmart and buy Carolina hat.3. If winning in football: Talk trash4. If losing in football: Just say it's not basketball season yet.Anybody know where I can find an image of this?
3/22/2008 11:34:29 AM
3/22/2008 11:35:36 AM
probably not in the Lounge
3/22/2008 11:35:47 AM
Thanks for the heads up Dave.And way to be a smart ass Wraith. Although, you do follow it up with a snappy retort.
3/22/2008 11:38:41 AM
3/22/2008 12:09:11 PM
Way to post it in every section YOU FUCKING n00b PIECE OF SHIT.
3/22/2008 12:14:51 PM
Two sections...two. DaveOT said the Lounge probably wasn't the spot to ask, so I tried other forum.And hey, look at you, 26,000+ posts! Glad you're keeping the internets safe for everyone.
3/22/2008 2:44:57 PM