A while back Kroger had a deal where you could buy 4 coke fridgepacks and get a free snowshoe lift ticket, so I bought a bunch of fridgepacks and got 6 or so lift tickets. I have two left now and will not be able to go back up to snowshoe this season so I'm selling them for $20 each, which is what I paid for the coke packs required to get the tickets. You are buying kroger receipts with a free ticket voucher printed on them. Simply present the receipt at the lift ticket counter and they give you a full day adult lift ticket which also includes night skiing at silver creek. The offer is good any day now through the end of the season. I have used 4 or so of these now and a lot of my friends have done the same thing without any problem.
3/8/2008 8:40:55 PM
snowshoe isn't worth a dime
3/9/2008 3:55:50 PM
I had a great time this week
3/9/2008 4:09:17 PM
bttt for weekend trips
3/13/2008 12:26:17 AM
yeah it may be fun but it blows monkey balls, cuz of the friggin 30-45min lift lines most of the time.
3/13/2008 12:52:22 AM
^ not even close, i was up there over spring break and i waited maybe 7 minutes max for a lift
3/13/2008 10:46:40 AM
^ still point is it effin sucks as there, even 7 mins is to long
3/13/2008 4:14:59 PM
Global warming ftw.
3/13/2008 6:06:04 PM