annddd GO!
2/11/2008 6:53:54 AM
2/11/2008 9:25:35 AM
how much are you willing to pay?
2/11/2008 9:25:57 AM
Not sure. I won't pay more then 275$ for just a stock wii from a store, I know thats low but if I want to pay 300 or more i'll go to craigslist. Looking for maybe some sort of package deal from someone who is selling theres off.
2/11/2008 9:29:40 AM
just wait till they go on sale at the store for $299. its some package deal. Ill ask the guy i work with about it tonight, hes a game nut and he will know then ill get back to ya
2/11/2008 3:27:19 PM