any recommendations on programs ?
2/4/2008 6:08:37 PM
If your phone is mp3 compatible, just use the mp3 as a ringtone.Also, google.
2/4/2008 6:11:07 PM
yes, use wavepad. then, use a site like pcs uploader which automatically puts the file in the ringers file. also, google.
2/4/2008 6:14:18 PM
ive read something about bluetooth and sending it from comp to the cell phone through that.
2/4/2008 6:15:56 PM
i looked up how to do this last semester and found a way that's fairly easy and free as long as you have picture messaging. go to the very bottom of the page where it says "how to set mp3's as ringtones for free"you need to download the Audacity program and LAME mp3 encoder, but it's easy to set up. this way is for verizon phones but it might work with others too, i'm not sure.
2/4/2008 6:42:02 PM
Get a phone that isn't a piece of shit.Also, google.
2/4/2008 6:43:59 PM
i have motorola phone tools, so i just use that to do it
2/4/2008 7:46:36 PM