Does anyone know someone who will inspect a car even though the check engine light is on (pm me please)? Maybe someone works at a garage and can hook me up for the right price? I have a daewoo that I can't get the parts to fix because they don't sell them anymore. If I can't get the parts, I can't get the check engine light to go off.Any ideas?
1/31/2008 4:41:27 PM
throw it away. probably isn't worth the cost of inspection anyway.seriously though, with the CEL on in an OBDII car, you're fucked.
1/31/2008 4:45:31 PM
hahaha thats funny so they really are like disposable cars.
1/31/2008 4:50:40 PM
Anyone know how long I can go without getting it inspected before they send me a ticket in the mail?
1/31/2008 4:50:55 PM
It's been a good little car so far, not many problems....but when even something small does break, its a struggle to find the parts since no one makes them anymore
1/31/2008 4:54:50 PM
get someone to clear it for you, go to advanced or whatever, clear the code and then go straight to the lube and hope it doesnt come on or show up
1/31/2008 4:56:32 PM
do they actually hook the car up to OBD2? Cause i've thought about just taking apart the dash and taking out that light bulb...I did that like 5-6 years ago and it worked with a different car, but I heard that they are required to connect to the OBD2 now
1/31/2008 5:02:00 PM
1/31/2008 5:11:50 PM
You cannot just go and get the code cleared, as it will fail due to readiness codes not being set.You cannot just take the bulb out, because first they check to see if the bulb comes on.You can apply for a waiver if the cost is over some rediculously high amount.
1/31/2008 5:15:32 PM
My first thought is that perhaps you can get the parts on Ebay?Second would be a junkyard?You did not specify what parts you need so hard to tell.And I get it that you can no longer get OEM...but no rebuilt or aftermarket parts?Seems that a used Daewoo should have aftermarket parts like any other used car that had parts model specific.
1/31/2008 7:54:13 PM
Wow........there are some f'ing idiots out there.........still.
1/31/2008 8:30:21 PM
what part does the car need?
1/31/2008 8:54:16 PM
1/31/2008 9:09:46 PM