and i got rickrolleddamn background music
1/23/2008 7:31:28 PM
1/23/2008 7:32:04 PM
it's on heavy rotation on the muzak, heard it at cvs the other day
1/23/2008 7:33:50 PM
Danny, I'm having a party this weekend. How would you like to come over and mow my lawn?
1/23/2008 7:38:12 PM
i got rickrolled at the circle k on western last week.crafty bastards...
1/23/2008 7:44:46 PM
got rickrolled at trivia last week
1/23/2008 8:29:24 PM
did you have the chicken?i hear they have chicken
1/23/2008 9:12:03 PM