Had no clue til I saw an advertisement for it at Bloomberg.Guess that's part of being a lame duck and a two-party primary race is going on to succeed you.
1/23/2008 9:13:32 AM
i bet he says the state of the union is strong
1/23/2008 9:21:15 AM
rofl i saw an ad for it on cnn like 3 days ago
1/23/2008 9:38:07 AM
hmm, no, it hadn't occurred to me....
1/23/2008 9:41:05 AM
think he'll bomb iran a week before election day?
1/23/2008 10:07:41 AM
Axis of EvilIraqIranNorth Korea
1/23/2008 10:51:59 AM
Summary Bush's AddressEconomy shaky but doing strong Iraq doing goodNeed to tell those towel heads in Iran who's boss.Git-Er-Dun lets blow up Iranless oil dependenceUSA#1I love jesus
1/23/2008 11:11:39 AM
1/23/2008 11:24:02 AM