My 360 was stolen tonight, and I want another So if anyone is willing to part with one I will purchase Friday (payday)
1/16/2008 9:03:59 PM
steal one urself
1/17/2008 12:03:14 AM
god said: do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
1/17/2008 12:04:19 AM
how does a 360 get stolen?
1/17/2008 12:07:16 AM
Usually someone breaks in and unplugs the wires and then proceeds to walk out with the a little white box
1/17/2008 10:06:45 AM
might be interested got a brand new one with box and has the HDMI hookup...promise didnt steal it.
1/17/2008 10:09:17 PM
ahh...i was kinda thinkin you took it somewhere...i dunno, it's late
1/18/2008 2:03:47 AM