several drunk people roaming charlottesvillethis one spanish dude was all falling in the road and shit in front of us, moaning and everythingthen i see 3 people walking in the road in the middle of nowhere staggering about
1/1/2008 4:19:11 AM
dude, you know this dude?
1/1/2008 4:22:58 AM
1/1/2008 9:59:09 AM
I don't DD anymore. I call a cab. Everyone that I know drinks their ass off
1/1/2008 10:05:08 AM
i have 2 cab companies and 4 specific drivers in my phone now.when i was in school i never thought of cabs... but its really worth it.
1/1/2008 10:07:00 AM
hahah, then again. I can always call a friend.this is why you make friends with nerds. Because on friday or saturday night.....or new years know their ass is sitting at home waiting on a phone's their pleasure to come and scoop you up they don't have shit else to do.
1/1/2008 10:12:26 AM
ya sounds like zombies
1/1/2008 10:32:33 AM