glow under UV light!
12/13/2007 8:12:51 PM
this is pretty common. when we worked with egfp in biotech class we looked at several websites where they liked to make rabbits fluorescent green etc
12/13/2007 8:15:08 PM
I know, we have gfp mice, but they aren't cloned...actually I dont know how they got the gfp into the mice...but I doubt it was cloning because the technology has been around a while
12/13/2007 8:17:10 PM
that's gangsta. now if we could just engineer to look like this in the daylight
12/13/2007 11:15:05 PM
If this was 2000 I would throw the best rave evar.
12/14/2007 12:18:43 AM
hell I'll do it anyway pass me the glow in the dark genes please. And some soda they dont taste that good so i need something to wash them down.
12/14/2007 11:34:40 AM
I just read about scientists in Tokyo have genetically engineered a mouse that isn't afraid of cats. They believe their research could be used to help combat anxiety disorders in humans.
12/14/2007 12:59:04 PM
the real question is are they afraid of fluorescent cats?
12/14/2007 1:22:45 PM
The mice are transgenic. The gene is transfered into the mouse.
12/14/2007 1:31:11 PM