On my work laptop my windows op sys won't boot up normally but I can get to safe mode and get to the web, but nothing else. Does that mean my hard drive is fried.....I tried to a restore to a date back in time but it won't let me do that either. It goes through the whole thing and then I get this big long error msg...
11/25/2007 11:02:38 AM
It's very possible download thishttp://www.majorgeeks.com/IBM_-_Hitachi_Drive_Fitness_Test_d2828.htmland run it, that should let you know if your drive is dying.
11/25/2007 11:08:05 AM
Hi Thanks....it says my drive is set to dis-abled....is there way to change it to enabled ? And I have that shock thing on my computer...could hit have disabled my drive because someone dropped my computer and that would have dis-abled the hard drive as a protection ?
11/25/2007 11:21:17 AM
do you have vista ?
11/25/2007 4:24:23 PM
no XP
11/25/2007 9:08:12 PM