Flirting with the wrong dudes off an on for years because I was bored.Two completely different people stayed in touch more than the others. By completely different I mean different areas, different personalities, met one but not the other, etc.Years later they both contact me out of the blue within one month.One is a prof from Shaw U. and judging from the last time we met he's still got one thing on his mind. He asked me years ago if I had a bf and I told him yes, then he said, "Awwww, eessn't dat a SHAAAAME?" Now he's doing the same thing only I'm five years older... I guess he'd change his mind once he saw I wasn't a springtime chicken anymore./blog
11/15/2007 9:39:45 AM
But hes black
11/15/2007 9:40:38 AM
11/15/2007 9:41:14 AM
11/15/2007 9:44:53 AM
you gotta work for that meal ticket... you know
11/15/2007 9:46:51 AM
God.He emailed me again.
11/15/2007 5:30:14 PM