between my brain and my mouth. I totally cracked on a bigwig today at work in a seminar. Damnit! >.< I hope I don't have a pink slip waiting for me tomorrow :-/
11/14/2007 6:20:09 PM
You seem like the kind of idiot that would do something like that.
11/14/2007 6:20:49 PM
biggest picture of it i could find
11/14/2007 6:23:18 PM
Yeah, dude was talkin about something and then stopped and said "Let me think for a second." Like a dumbass I chimed in "Don't hurt yourself...">.<Everyone laughed. And then got really quiet.Thankfully the guy busted out laughing too, but still.
11/14/2007 6:25:32 PM
welp, still have a far
11/15/2007 7:03:39 PM
ps where you working? i want to get you fired if i know any of your coworkers
11/15/2007 9:14:27 PM
On the outside he probably tells people you're a funny guy. On the inside he's probably planning columbine version 2.0
11/15/2007 9:44:05 PM
^^ i have no idea whats going on there, but that's stuck in my head now
11/15/2007 11:34:32 PM
11/15/2007 11:36:35 PM
actually it's shit that like gets you promoted.they remember you moreso than the guy who got them coffee this morning.seotaji's secrets for success #445
11/15/2007 11:37:45 PM
butterworth or chebychev?
11/16/2007 12:04:35 AM
leg, I doubt you know my coworkers
11/17/2007 5:35:51 PM
still employed, amazingly
1/5/2008 11:41:14 PM