Hey guys,Registration is coming up. I need some feedbacks on whether i should take the advance biochm lab or do the external learning. What exactly is the external learning exp.? Which one would involve more time (study or research wise)? Thank you so much.
10/16/2007 12:03:40 PM
^ you should be asking your adviser that question
10/16/2007 12:37:12 PM
Sometimes it's better to get feedbacks from students.
10/16/2007 2:46:48 PM
I would assume the external learning experience would be an internship or a co-op type thing. I think you'd want the advanced lab if you are planning for grad school.
10/16/2007 3:49:41 PM
Ive heard a lot of good things about 454. Dave is a really cool, laid-back guy. The only downside is the long hours each week in the lab (but that's to be expected for this type of course). Choose external learning if you want to work with one of the faculty members. For that you work on a project with their guidance and write a paper at the end of the semester on what you did. Personally, I would choose the external exp. just bc research times are more flexible between you and your mentor. 454 is good for grad school, but 492/493 can also be just as useful if you have a good mentor. Hope that helps
10/16/2007 5:26:54 PM
Pretty much what ^ said. 454 is long hours, but Dave is very easy-going and the lab reports are graded S/U. It's a semester long project involving cloning and protein purification, so you get lots of practice doing all the major techniques involved with each process.
10/16/2007 5:57:31 PM
10/16/2007 6:04:07 PM