Emmy Award Winning Series
10/14/2007 11:48:55 PM
Does Bono want the bidet?
10/14/2007 11:50:36 PM
south park quote
10/14/2007 11:51:57 PM
my b, g(+0.5)]
10/14/2007 11:52:27 PM
he was sucking on some guy's teet for like 2 minutes! It was so gross!
10/14/2007 11:54:10 PM
bono that hurts the biddy!
10/15/2007 12:14:39 AM
Ah well, at least south park hasn't gone down hill as much as family guy has I guess.
10/15/2007 12:16:28 AM
that's because south park is more based off of real life events every week so its easier to stay on track/improve. Family guy is too but in a more indirect way and you can only come up with so many funny random events to throw in the mix.IB Al Gore episode this week after the nobel peace prize.
10/15/2007 12:19:08 AM
they already had the bearmanpig episode
10/15/2007 8:13:38 PM