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All American
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Seriously....I know people who take 2-3 showers a day. I think I'd kill myself. Maybe it's cause I have my hair to wash/straighten/blowdry or whatever...but showering sucks.

10/4/2007 6:57:24 PM

All American
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2 far

10/4/2007 6:57:49 PM

All American
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why? unless you were doing hard labor why would you do that?

10/4/2007 6:59:02 PM

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last shower i took was about 6pm yesterday

10/4/2007 7:01:01 PM

All American
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getting some good rides in before it turns cold or the air drys out

dry air rapes my throat, not good so I can't cycle near as much/hard

I don't shampoo every time though, just rinse the salt off from the dried sweat

10/4/2007 7:01:15 PM

56200 Posts
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I like showering, but hate the whole hassle involved, dont know how people take on in the morning, then after working out at lunch, then another one at night for some random reason. and no way I go just skip

10/4/2007 7:02:52 PM

All American
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I shower after every meal.

Maybe thats because I am 400 pounds, and eating makes me cry and fat.

Then I eat again

10/4/2007 7:04:22 PM

All American
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I love showering.

I have an idea to make an endless shower that's kind of like a hot tub, where after you're done showering you can flip a switch and the drain closes, and another drain opens, that takes your water, sends it through a hot tub/pool style filter, reheats it, and sends it back out.

I would be in there for like an hour.

10/4/2007 7:06:45 PM

All American
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My roomate showers 3 times a day as well.

10/4/2007 7:08:48 PM

All American
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showering is awesome, especially if you have someone to shower with

i take about 2 per day

10/4/2007 7:16:34 PM

All American
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one time i went to trinidad to volunteer for habitat for humanity there and a friend and i didn't shower for 3 weeks. I could split crowds just by blowing through my shirt sleeve.

on the other hand guys tend to sweat more than girls given the same conditions. I've been in sauna's drinking my own sweat meanwhile are completely dry.

[Edited on October 4, 2007 at 7:20 PM. Reason : cuz pro]

10/4/2007 7:18:45 PM

All American
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I mean I think a big part of it is my right now, I'm sitting here with a conditioner on my head...I got in the shower once, shampooed my hair...then got out...towel dried it (and for a girl with long hair it isn't a quick thing) put conditioner in it, and am now sitting on my bed waiting for 15 or so minutes at which time I'll get BACK in the shower, rinse off the conditioner, and wash my body. It is because of this ordeal that I am not going to shave.

10/4/2007 7:22:55 PM

All American
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^ Need a hand?

The were a couple of indians in the digital media lab yesterday...I had to walk out

10/4/2007 7:23:31 PM

25083 Posts
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wtf - you put conditioner in your hair after you dry off - then get back in the shower...

do you think other people commonly do this or you are a rarity?

10/4/2007 7:26:22 PM

All American
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This problem can seriously affect my social life because I know how long it's gonna take me to shower, and if I'm going out, out...then I need to blowdry and lately I've been flat-ironing. These things are not quick. I consider myself to be somewhat of an expert (been doing it for a good 15 years or so (give or take) and I've timed it once...took a good half-hour (straight, no breaks)

^^I'd rather you straighten my hair

^well I'm doing a deep conditioning today, so this isn't a normal thing, but it is neccesary....

[Edited on October 4, 2007 at 7:29 PM. Reason : ]

10/4/2007 7:27:02 PM

All American
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I would if I could

[no homo]

10/4/2007 7:29:03 PM

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goin for my 2nd right now.

10/4/2007 7:33:07 PM

37776 Posts
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I love me some showers. If I could live in a hot shower I would.

10/4/2007 7:35:44 PM

All American
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I have had 3 today, but i work hard outside,under houses getting all dirty and sweaty

10/4/2007 7:40:19 PM

All American
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showers are better when your girl washes your hair for you. Then afterwards soap her up and wash her.

10/4/2007 8:13:17 PM

All American
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showers with a guy/girl are only really good when you real intention isn't to actually 'get clean' because very little of that takes place

10/4/2007 8:15:35 PM

All American
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I used to hate showering as a kid. My Mom would see the dirt still on me from playing outside, making mud pies and such, and she'd make me go get back on the shower again.

I like showers now. I hardly ever dry my hair though unless I am going out or need it dry quickly. I don't like drying my hair because it takes so friggin long... and straightening my hair sucks even more.

10/4/2007 8:19:57 PM

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showering with a broad is unfathomable to me

10/4/2007 8:21:54 PM

All American
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I take 1 per month whether I need it or not.

10/4/2007 8:41:46 PM

All American
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what type of conditioner do you use?

Normally I just leave mine in while I'm shaving my legs in the shower

10/4/2007 8:59:34 PM

All American
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I know that it isn't good for your hair, but I use conditioner everytime I wash my hair, which is once a day. It makes my hair get oily before some people's, but only if I touch it a lot.

10/4/2007 9:03:40 PM

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i use suave's men shampoo/conditioner every day or maybe every other day

10/4/2007 9:07:39 PM

All American
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HAHAHA I used to do the same thing Bethaleigh

I DESPISED showers as a kid. I grew up a huge tomboy and I wasn't allowed in the house unless I was going to shower... so I would just get pissy and sit on the front stoop by myself until it got really dark and I would get scared and finally head inside.

10/4/2007 9:24:15 PM

All American
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hah i have to use as much conditioner as I can. moisturizing shampoo, conditioner, and then leave in conditioner all by american crew, then it still feels kinda dry just cause of the texture of my hair. thick and curly as hell

10/4/2007 9:30:51 PM

All American
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^^ Sounds about right! I would also stand in the back of the shower with the water pointing straight down so it wouldn't get on me. I'd stand in there for a few minutes like I was really showering, then I'd wet my hair and get out. Mom caught on and she would come into the bathroom and yell at me to wash myself. I'd get mad and cry, but I did it anyway! Those were the days!

[Edited on October 4, 2007 at 9:39 PM. Reason : ]

10/4/2007 9:32:14 PM

All American
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i helped some people move, got in a fistfight and then dyed my hair today so i showered 3 times

10/4/2007 9:39:51 PM

All American
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i used to hate showers too
but now i love them

good thing too because i have to shower at my job!
I also have to use head and shoulders dry scalp care shampoo because i have to take so many showers a day my hair would just break off.

but I use conditioner every time i shower (under normal circumstances). and i rinse it out last thing with cool/coldish water to seal in the moisture. Aussie 3 min. miracle is great for that shit

10/4/2007 9:41:36 PM

All American
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what job do you have that makes you have to shower

10/4/2007 9:43:10 PM

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i took baths until like the 3rd grade...i loved me some baths back in the day

10/4/2007 9:49:18 PM

All American
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I work as a research assistant and there are designated "clean" and "dirty" parts of the building. When you go back to the "dirty" side you have to shower out to go back to the "clean" side.

it's nice to be able to shower during the day but more than once is when it gets to be a pain in the ass.

10/4/2007 9:59:38 PM

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Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh just had a nice hot shower. I feel MUCH better.

10/4/2007 10:00:13 PM

All American
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I could either take one (shower) now, or wait till tomorrow morning to take one... I think I'll wait.

I'm sure that everyone knows, but it is good for your hair to not get washed for a couple days. I only do it about 4 times a year because I am so busy on the weekends (going and doing things where I need to be clean), and sure as heck ain't doing that during the school week.

[Edited on October 4, 2007 at 10:10 PM. Reason : ]

10/4/2007 10:04:45 PM

All American
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10/4/2007 10:07:13 PM

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ok i'm about to shower....i've decided NOT to use shampoo today

10/4/2007 10:08:16 PM

All American
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our utility bill was like 430 bones, so my roomates and I decided to boycott A/C. 5m cold showers are ftw.

10/4/2007 10:09:38 PM

All American
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^ WHAT THE FUCK? $430? what the hell kinda hydro setup are you running in your closet? i mean damn!

10/4/2007 11:19:38 PM

22518 Posts
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^^ you growing pot or manufacturing meth?

10/4/2007 11:32:26 PM

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Yeah even when it was 100+ every day we kept my place under 70 degrees and my power bill has never gone over 300

10/4/2007 11:32:42 PM

All American
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once in the morning, and once after the gym

10/4/2007 11:34:47 PM

All American
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i am a fan of showering

10/5/2007 12:28:36 AM

All American
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i've done 7 in a day before

one in the morning and 3 different farms that were shower in/out

10/5/2007 12:49:44 AM

2019 Egg Champ
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I shower every day.

But I only wash my hair twice a week.

Crazy how that works out!

10/5/2007 12:53:39 AM

50085 Posts
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I take 3 a day.

One before work in the morning obviously. One in the afternoon after I hit the gym. One after school before bed at night because it helps me wind down..

10/5/2007 1:36:26 AM

All American
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1-2 per day.

I can't stand showering with my girlfriend, I'm not a big fan of shower sex and if I'm actually trying to get clean shes just in the way.

10/5/2007 2:38:53 AM

All American
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set em up

10/5/2007 2:41:12 AM

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