crap crap and double crap, i tried to install windows on the wrong fucking disk... result - 15 gigs of music and a shit load of pr0n gone.... is there any way of recovering some of these files? i would guess they are not fully gone....
9/13/2007 5:23:30 PM
message_postreply.aspx?topic=376822i kid, i kid
9/13/2007 5:26:48 PM
Go find Hiren's Boot Disk 9.x ... use GetDataBack ... profit.
9/13/2007 5:28:33 PM
depends... did you format it AND install windows. if you let windows install then a lot if it is probably down the crapper. if you didn't let it install then 100% of it is recoverable.
9/13/2007 5:40:18 PM
it never fully installed, no clean up or anything...
9/13/2007 5:50:55 PM
getdataback is sweeeet
9/13/2007 6:21:23 PM
You might get some of it back then. I've never had a 100% success rate. I'm looking for my software now, if I find it I'll let you know.
9/13/2007 6:24:36 PM
yeah it's finding a lot of it so farim not worried about getting it all really... there was 230 someodd gigs and 150 i would actually like back....
9/13/2007 7:04:20 PM