I have a bunch of samples of my work that I need to combine into one pdf file.in a document format so I can add text.......If i save each image as a PDF is there a way with photoshop to combine them into one document or do I need Acrobat professional or whatever its called that came bundled with CS3?
9/7/2007 2:17:31 PM
why not just make one big word doc, then convert that to pdf? what format is the work in?
9/7/2007 2:19:52 PM
They're all PSD files now but I was going to reduce them in size and resolution since its not going to print for this purpose and then save as a PDF. Should i save as jpegs, import into word and then convert to PDF?
9/7/2007 2:22:05 PM
i'm no artist type, but technically speaking, that sounds easiest
9/7/2007 2:27:49 PM
the absolute easiest way is to (in photoshop cs3) go to file, automate, pdf presentation. You can either select a folder or select all open files and have it create a pdf file with each image on a page, all as one document.
9/7/2007 2:36:39 PM
oh sweet! thats exactly what I was looking for.
9/7/2007 2:41:00 PM
the free version of PDFill contains a set of PDF Tools, including merginghttp://pdfill.com/
9/7/2007 2:47:49 PM
just get acrobat it's a lot easier, and if your company won't buy it for you, it's time to find a new job
9/7/2007 4:48:41 PM
9/7/2007 5:20:06 PM
Use Acrobat.
9/7/2007 6:10:36 PM
Acrobat -> Create PDF From Multiple Files... -> Profit.
9/7/2007 7:43:20 PM
I used the photoshop tactic. Create PDF from multiple files ---> $200 price-cut profit
9/7/2007 7:46:21 PM