If you don't have it, get it. Rented it last night... it's pretty cool. I like how you can adjust the alignment, tire pressure, transmission gears, etc. Much cooler than the typical 360 racing games (project gotham, etc)
8/7/2007 10:20:04 PM
real drivers can drive without changing all that nonsense.and do it on real tracks.old
8/7/2007 10:26:22 PM
not that old, it's only been out for like a month
8/7/2007 10:27:52 PM
hmmm..its been out longer i think.a friend of mine has had it for a bit. ive played it. it had to of been more than a month
8/7/2007 10:32:05 PM
may 30th so about 2 months.. even still not that old.I know you don't need to do it in real life but it's kinda cool how I toed out and managed to get into curves a little better without spending loads of money on the new tires.
8/7/2007 10:34:15 PM
it is to those of us with 40 cars and a few million dollars.
8/8/2007 6:44:52 AM
gift me some cars then!
8/8/2007 12:09:22 PM