you should make the chatterbox visible to all, but only premium members could talk on it.A) its visible so lurkers and nonpremiums can be aware of its presenceB) how tempting is it to want to talk or comment on something but cant?? theyll be forced to pay! muhahaof course then there would be no room for banners.... maybe to the left of the chatterbox? dunno
5/21/2002 8:25:05 PM
make it take a screenshot of itself each time something is added and just make it a clicky banner
5/21/2002 9:04:20 PM
the chatterbox replaces the banners for premiums so they wont waste the ad views seeing the same ads 1000 times a day.
5/21/2002 9:46:05 PM
NOOOOOO!!! then us premiums wouldnt be able to talk about non-premiums on it freely!
5/21/2002 11:47:24 PM
exactly----a lot of shit is talked----a lot of rumors are passed----pay jake your money to find out what is going on
5/22/2002 12:05:43 AM