does anybody have expirence working with toughreact or tough2 code? im currently runnning a simulation using EOS3 and i reset the mop(11) from 0 to 1 then to 2. At 0 the code took apporximatly 30 minutes to run, at 1 the code only took 10 minutes to run, both with convergence errors, now at 2 the code is taking over 5hrs to run. The difference between the setting 0 and and 2 is that 0: mobilities are upstream weighted with WUP, permeability is upstream weighted.2: mobilities are upstream weighted with WUP, permeability is harmonic weighted.Not being a statistics major, am I supposed to be expecting long runtimes with harmonic vs. upstream or is this the wrong setting for mop(11). I know this is very hard to diagnose without seeing the code but hopefully someone knows enough about the weighting issue to help me out.
7/17/2007 4:41:19 PM