Title says it all. All black, size medium passenger helmet. Used a good number of times, some scratches and what not. I'm the third owner of it. Just bought a new passenger helmet, don't need it anymore. But completely functional for a passenger or back up helmet $25. Not sure of the brand. Padding is clean and has no odor to it. Size large, red and black padded textile/mesh summer riding jacket that I used for less than 100 miles. I don't really ever wear it, figured i'd get rid of it. Paid $120, will sell for $70.Pair of size 10 1/2 above the ankle Harley-Davidson riding boots. Basically brand new. Worn for one 300 mile trip and thats it. Again, I never use them. Paid $130, asking $75.1st generation, 4GB silver iPod. It's broken. I think the battery is just dead, but I really don't know. $15 and it's yours. If anyone wants pics just request them, I have them but I'm at work and don't have access to them at the moment.
6/18/2007 5:05:01 PM
6/18/2007 11:17:36 PM
i'd like to see pics of the jacket[Edited on June 19, 2007 at 11:59 AM. Reason : h]
6/19/2007 11:59:28 AM
I will put them up this evening around 6
6/19/2007 1:28:19 PM