Thought I'd try here since Ebay no longer accepts wow accounts...70 Horde Troll Warrior and a 57 Bloof Elf Priest on Hyjal (PvE) server. The warrior has epic tanking gear out of Karazhan and a Gorehowl. Used to be MT for my raiding guild. Pally has good gear as well. 1400 gp with them as well. I'll answer any questions about armor specifics, tanking, or his stats. Please email IS NEGOTIABLE. Email me with serious offers.
6/3/2007 5:46:27 PM
gg on quittin
6/3/2007 6:04:10 PM
6/11/2007 8:46:00 AM
wow, i don't understand a word you said.
6/11/2007 9:48:40 AM