I need to get a replacement cell phone and have never really bought anything that's been refurbished. Are refurbished items usually as good as new? Or do they sound better than what they really are?
3/7/2007 8:12:27 PM
its usally on par with used, or sometimes better, but not as good as new.
3/7/2007 8:43:06 PM
They are usually pretty good short term solutions, but I wouldn't get anything refurbished that I wanted to keep a while. If it's not at least a 25% savings, it's not worth it.
3/7/2007 8:51:55 PM
depends what it is and what company. i got a refurb gamecube. first one came DOA, but second one lasted me for 4+ years.i wouldnt get a refurb tv or anything though. cell phone probably wouldnt be a big deal.
3/7/2007 9:02:02 PM
when i broke my first cell, they sent me a refurbished second one. haven't had any problems with it and i've had it for close to a year.
3/7/2007 9:06:15 PM
well they do sound better than they really are - but if youre getting one replaced free, dont worry about itmy screen went out on one of my LGs and it was replaced - its been 2 years now and its still working, but I cant get another replacement if this one dies - they cost too friggin much!
3/7/2007 11:05:19 PM
lol well this is what i was looking at in particular http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=013&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=230100816562&rd=1&rd=1not really a nascar fan, but the features sounded pretty good, and there's not too much I can choose from with the Alltel network. thanks for the advice, everyone
3/8/2007 2:50:30 PM
if you're planning on spending that much on a phone, you might as well get a 2 year agreement or maybe 1 year and get a better phone - also, there are much cheaper brand new phones on ebay that are better than LGs - Ive had pretty bad luck with the phones
3/8/2007 3:40:09 PM
when my old phone finally kicked the bucket, i got a refurbished LG and it's lasted really well. no complaints at all.
3/8/2007 4:12:59 PM