(The old one is past 90 days.)Does anyone know why they got suspended from the air again? (They had re-runs yesterday and today. Wednesday they said that they were not having the Friday Morning Free-For-All because they were beginning their suspension.)
3/2/2007 9:24:57 AM
http://thewolfweb.com/message_topic.aspx?topic=463833&page=1#10023882 ?
3/2/2007 9:30:10 AM
I was looking just at The Lounge. The old thread stopped in Sept.
3/2/2007 9:33:23 AM
eh, whatever got them suspended was worth it. I hate listening to their garbage, anyway. It's like they're constantly trying to offend people now, so their suspension isn't surprising at all. So much for freedom of speech...
3/2/2007 9:40:55 AM
I have somewhere in the neighborhood of six jokes to use in this thread, but I won't, because I'm making an effort to be a nicer person.
3/2/2007 9:46:56 AM