These vertical lines started popping up on my screen of my Inspiron 9200. Upon researching, there are hundreds out there with the same problem. Dell won't do a thing about it. Just trying to raise awareness to people who have Inspirons that were purchased around Spring 2005. Here are some websites documenting many cases with the same problem:
2/23/2007 10:44:12 PM
so whats the short answer?
2/23/2007 11:06:22 PM
If you don't extend your warranty and you have one of their machines that have this defective lcd panel, you're pretty much screwed. These vertical lines of dead pixels usually show up a little around after the first year when the original warranty wears out. It's awfully hard to do watch movies or play games on a screen with various blue, yellow and purple lines running throughout the screen.
2/24/2007 8:11:11 PM
dell sucks anyhow. Too bad I have an e1705. couldn't refuse to the 62% off, but I did opt for the 3yr warranty plan.
2/24/2007 8:20:44 PM