Mouth is my favorite band to see live, they play with a ton of emotion & energy. If you haven't ever seen them live, you should definitely check them out!
1/26/2007 11:59:57 AM
i'm telling you, they're good
1/26/2007 1:26:44 PM
Good band but not good enough to drive to W-S.
1/26/2007 4:15:33 PM
they are also going to play in charlotte, winston is a little closer
1/26/2007 4:21:47 PM
how is this band still aroundi saw them at ziggys in like 1st gradei was all like, why is this drummer up front and what can i do to make him be quiet
1/27/2007 12:45:33 AM
1/27/2007 12:55:19 AM
fuck y'all...i always like cowboy mouth...but then, i've never seen them live
1/27/2007 4:12:07 PM