DJ Lauren All American 15721 Posts user info edit post |
Does anyone know how I can get my GREs sent to a college?
I took it several months ago. I just figured there was a way to do it online rather than sending them a hard copy.
Thanks for any help. -Lauren 1/10/2007 7:52:15 PM
SouthPaW12 All American 10141 Posts user info edit post |
I know for GMATs, you just go to, login, and you can electronically send them to other schools (for a high fee, of course). There's got to be a similar site. 1/10/2007 8:33:16 PM
Bob Ryan All American 979 Posts user info edit post |
they ask you at the beginning of the test where you want them sent 1/10/2007 8:52:00 PM
roberta All American 1769 Posts user info edit post |
i had to do this awhile ago for a fellowship
i'm not positive but i'm pretty sure i faxed a form to ETS to have them send the score report -- nothing online (well, i got the form online i think - but had to print it out and mail/fax)
[Edited on January 11, 2007 at 2:29 AM. Reason : form] 1/11/2007 2:28:32 AM
Nrallen All American 13239 Posts user info edit post |
yeah - i had to do this when i applied to grad school last year. i had taken the gre the year before. i think i went onto the ets website and ended up calling some number. it was pretty easy, but i remember it being somewhat costly 1/11/2007 11:06:02 AM
knitchic Veteran 475 Posts user info edit post |
ETS accepts phone calls to a hotline or a form mailed into them (it may also be faxable, I'm not sure). I called all mine in. If you have your score reports, they usually stick an additional order form in with the mailed scores, and the info on calling for scores is on there as well. 1/13/2007 5:11:02 PM
DJ Lauren All American 15721 Posts user info edit post |
any ideas where I can find this form? Should I just send them a written request with addresses listed? 3/25/2007 3:35:36 PM
0EPII1 All American 42570 Posts user info edit post |
ummm... hello.
this thread is just like the one asking about gre fees (
i was nasty in there, but i won't do it here, because i was asked by a mod to be nice.
but it still baffles me how potential graduate students can ask questions such as these.
Quote : | "any ideas where I can find this form?" |
let's see, would it be , or , or or MAYBE, JUST MAYBE ?  3/25/2007 4:26:26 PM
Lowjack All American 10491 Posts user info edit post |
^GG 3/26/2007 12:07:03 AM
drtaylor All American 1969 Posts user info edit post |
yes she's dumb as shit 3/27/2007 12:16:49 AM
joe17669 All American 22728 Posts user info edit post |
^^^ ?topic=423773 3/27/2007 6:17:55 AM
Arab13 Art Vandelay 45180 Posts user info edit post |
i really need to take the MCAT and GRE... before all the smartz run out of my head  4/12/2007 1:14:21 PM
Crazywade All American 4918 Posts user info edit post |
after being a couple years removed from college, i think i can't write a paper anymore 4/12/2007 1:20:11 PM
sober46an3 All American 47925 Posts user info edit post |
it comes back pretty easily. i recently took the GMATs and had to write essays for grad school. at first, i felt retarded because it missed some pretty easy stuff, but after a little refreshing, it all came back. im 3 years removed. 4/12/2007 1:21:57 PM