I have a linux server that manages backups for myself and a few friends... Looking for a new hard drive to house all of our data.
12/6/2006 9:46:37 AM
http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=2273393&CatId=2459500 GB SATA 3.0 gb/s with a 16MB cache for $150oh and it's seagate so it has a 5 yr warranty
12/6/2006 12:22:08 PM
actually this one is a better dealhttp://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=2268595&CatId=0It's the same as above but only 320 GB.... but its only $80
12/6/2006 12:24:17 PM
I have found a few on tiger direct as well as newegg.com but I was currious if anyone had any for sale here at State.
12/6/2006 3:21:09 PM
500 gb, wow. that's a lot of porn
12/6/2006 6:13:21 PM
i'm trying to sell a 300gb on craigslist for 80 soonits a seagate, 5 year warrenty(4 years left)8mb cacheonly thing missing is a upc
12/6/2006 6:15:21 PM
i bought some 400gb seagates on frys.com for $100 a while back. i'd wait for a slickdeal
12/6/2006 8:04:59 PM
the internet is for porn
12/6/2006 8:07:51 PM
not really for porn, more like pirated software for osx and bit torrented movies..... currently housing everything from fantasia to running scared... for the 300gb drive... I'll give you 85 if you deliver.
12/7/2006 11:29:19 AM
where you at...i dont have class today
12/7/2006 12:54:23 PM