I have a design school project that I need help with. What I need done is easy and monotonous and requires no experience or creativity, just hands. I will compensate you $10/hour, and i I get a few responses, I don't think we will have to work for more than two hours, but you're welcome to help longer if you still would like to make some extra money. I would really appreciate any help you could offer. Please call me soon so we can arrange a time to meet. I think we should do this at design school, probably Leazar Hall would be best, later this afternoon. Please call me (256) 426-0463. Thank you!
12/3/2006 12:23:19 PM
1) without knowing what you need done, my interest went from piqued to zero2) good luck. last minute = not so great
12/3/2006 12:24:40 PM
1. If I told you what you would be doing, you may not really know what I'm talking about, but ok, you would be hand felting.2. It's not last minute, I need more done than what I originally intended a month ago. Try making a dress out of felt balls, how many do you think you would need? I didn't know.10/ hr = doing something easy = holiday time = not a bad deal, no?
12/3/2006 12:31:11 PM
Matter if males or females?
12/3/2006 12:42:47 PM
Nope, I've had guys and girls help me so far. They all do a fine job.
12/3/2006 12:46:48 PM
I will not be around a computer for a while, so if you have any questions or think you want to help out for an hour or two, give me a call (256) 426-0463. Thanks!
12/3/2006 12:59:21 PM
If I weren't busy already today, I'd be over to help
12/3/2006 1:11:20 PM
Well, thank you anyway! But you know, probably most people wouldn't know about doing this kind of thing.
12/3/2006 3:53:17 PM
Offer is still on all day
12/3/2006 3:54:05 PM