I have an old entertainmetn center that I've had since house sitting there just collecting dust. If you can pick it up its yours. I would take it to goodwill or something, but I don't have a automobile that will fit it. Its about 4 feet tall, 3 feet wide and 20" deep. fits up to 32" tv, side cabinet with three slots for receive, ps2, etc... and two cabinets on the bottom to keep dvds or what have you. Actually if no one wants it and knows if goodwill will pick it up, let me know that too.If you can pick it up its yours. I don't have any pics of it yet, but i'll take some and post those later. If i can find it online, i'll post a link because i'm lazy.
12/1/2006 12:33:08 PM
more or less this:http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=1654323
12/1/2006 12:34:05 PM
What kind of condition is it in?I don't have a phone book, but if you call GoodWill, most places will pick up.
12/1/2006 2:22:09 PM
if it's in pretty good shape i'd be willing to pick it up this weekend. pm me if interested.thanks
12/1/2006 4:06:51 PM
Did you get rid of it already?
12/15/2006 12:59:27 AM
sorry duder, ive had it for about two weeks
12/15/2006 8:58:13 AM
No problem... Italians are way cooler than me anyways
12/15/2006 1:23:04 PM