Price: $100 For: Rest of Fall 2006 & Entire Spring 2007 SemestersWhere you can park: EC- Centennial Campus: Textiles, Park & Ride, Toxicology Building F- Frat Court, Avent Ferry Complex, Wolf Village, Married Student Housing S- Varsity LotI have all the papers and whatnot that came with it, thought it's just a few sheets. Permits remove and transfer easy, so it won't be messed up. PM me with questions, etc.
11/30/2006 2:57:07 PM
you know you can sell it back to the university....i am not sure how much they will give you though.Just a thought.
11/30/2006 3:01:16 PM
taking offers
12/8/2006 7:13:46 AM
12/8/2006 9:09:25 AM
12/8/2006 1:13:11 PM
12/8/2006 2:08:28 PM
the funny part is when the buyer gets it, then parks in a C spot with it, they'll ticket mr. jiakubut he won't know it immediately, only when he goes to graduate and finds a financial hold has been placed on his account due to unpaid tickets.
12/8/2006 2:40:58 PM
12/8/2006 2:41:55 PM