Just bought a new TV and all stands are insanely expensive. I've read reviews for the its custom stand and despite its $350.00 price tag its no better than many other ones out there. I've narrowed my search to two TV stands that I'll purchase from this one website. Cost difference is about 60.00. Look at the two and let me know if you think its worth the difference. I need to order them today. I figure no better way to get an expert opinion than to ask tww http://www.racksandstands.com/Tech-Craft-SDE50-TC0141.htmlhttp://www.racksandstands.com/Tech-Craft-PTV48-TC0181.html
11/27/2006 9:52:51 AM
the former looks a helluva lot nicer. i'd say go with that, not worth the extra $$ from what i can see
11/27/2006 1:43:37 PM
http://www.circuitcity.com/ssm/Z-Line-Designs-42-Flat-Panel-or-DLP-TV-Stand-Z3226-1S/sem/rpsm/context/99307948/oid/82360/rpem/ccd/productDetail.doI bought this one. I don't know how they got the size figured out because it is bigger thanmy 46" DLP set. You could probably get a 50 on there.Overall I am happy with it.
11/27/2006 2:13:10 PM
someone had a nice one in classifieds, 150 from best buy (black with 3 tempered glass shelves).....asking like 60 or something....I have the same one and it is pretty nice.....otherwise, check craigslist, got a really nice one with glass and silver metal for 35
11/27/2006 2:39:35 PM
It depends on what you plan on having in the stand. I for one decided to get a stand that was side support without the back panel when I got my 50" dlp. why? because I have an a/v reciever, a computer, a cable box, DVD player, PS2, Soundblaster external box, cable model, router, and external hard drive all under my TV. That back panel would have been a pain in the ass with all the wiring I have running around.If you don't have a lot of stuff under there, either of those two would be fine.
11/27/2006 3:01:24 PM