My car stinks and I'm pissed about it. I have no idea what is making it stink, but I have an educated guess. It doesn't stink unless you turn on the air vents, so I know the smell is coming from there. It doesn't matter if the vents are set on hot or cold air, it still stinks. It smells just like a cat sprayed in the motor or in the vents somehow. I know we have a stray cat that hangs out at night outside our apartment, so I venture to guess that the cat sprayed on top of my car and the piss seeped down into the air cirulation somehow. Anybody have any idea how to get the smell out?
11/16/2006 3:01:35 PM
a douche should work.
11/16/2006 3:02:45 PM
check your cabin filter to see if there is a dead rat in there.
11/16/2006 3:54:53 PM
is it set on recirculate or fresh? could be something in the damn trunk.
11/16/2006 3:56:11 PM
has it ever rained in your car?
11/16/2006 3:56:47 PM
What can happen with cars at the end of summer is that the temp cycling between AC use and the car sitting under the sun builds condensation in the AC ducts. This condensation then becomes a perfect breeding ground for bacteria/fungus/whatever that generally tends to smell like ass. There are steps you can take on the internet to clear of this mess if indeed that is your problem.You also naturally want to change your cabin filter if you have one and make sure you don't have any food left somewhere in the car (the fact that it stinks up when you blast air suggests this isn't the case). If there's still an issue, then you might want to go in for service and have someone take a look. Having insects die in the AC system isn't unknown.
11/16/2006 4:05:11 PM
^yeah mold is usually the leading cause of that smell
11/16/2006 4:15:03 PM
i shit in your car, mystery solved
11/16/2006 4:23:06 PM
go to the parts store such as autozone and get vent cleaner stuff. it will be an aerosol can, works kinda like lysol. turn your fan on high, spray it on the intake vents on the ourside between your hood and windshield. then flip the recirculate switch on, spray it in your fromnt passenger foot space where it sucks your air in for recirculation. finally, turn the fan down on low and spray it inside your actual vent. try not to get that stuff on your dash or any other interior plastic parts becasue there is a chance it will discolorate.
11/16/2006 4:44:57 PM