I'm gettin sick and tired of spending days on the projects and getting hit with the little "gotchas" on the HWAnyone have the test cases he uses, so I can know what to look out for?Thanks!
11/16/2006 11:49:54 AM
the csc dept is gestapo about cheatingno one is going to help youand faculty read this board
11/16/2006 11:58:52 AM
^What he said. You can argue what is or is not considered cheating, but if it comes down to it, asking for help like that COULD be considered. Have you tried talking with the instructor to resolve this?
11/16/2006 12:10:13 PM
I see your point. I guess you could argue that all I'm really after is clarification of the projects (not someone else to do it for me). But depends who's arguing.
11/18/2006 10:02:56 AM