Anyone worked on exam two yet?
11/2/2006 9:28:39 PM§ion=7&searchstring=340&username=&usertype=match&sortby=date&sortorder=descending&page=plenty of PHI 340 threads around
11/2/2006 9:48:25 PM
you mean you actually need help in that class? its like the easiest class EVAR1
11/3/2006 2:19:38 AM
Yeah, I need some help, just enough for a C or so. I'm outta here in 7 weeks
11/3/2006 9:43:22 AM
if you have austin...this class is the absolute hardest humanity I have ever taken at NCSU...I might go so far as to say period. I got a b- and walked out with no more, and possibly less knowledge than what I walked in with. Best of luck, my friend...
11/4/2006 1:57:10 AM
I got a 48 on that test, perhaps I should have put a little more effort into it.^Austin's the only one who teaches it.
11/4/2006 1:34:59 PM
Why do you fools keep taking this course?
11/5/2006 1:33:49 AM
why aren't you fools taking the tests in large groups with people who have old semesters notes with them?
11/5/2006 11:12:22 AM
Even better.
11/5/2006 7:49:09 PM
Yeah I made a 52, by luck. I think the whole class could take the test together and still fail, I think the average was a 50 on this last test...terrible terrible class
11/7/2006 2:06:17 PM
I guess I shouldn't say I got a 76.
11/7/2006 4:24:52 PM
looks like you already did.hi all lecture section folk. i'm the guy at the table near the door.
11/7/2006 6:53:25 PM
It seems to me that this class is bullshit.CSE
11/8/2006 12:06:17 AM
11/8/2006 1:50:36 PM