a friend of mine asked me to find some students that could do web dev for cheap. he has outsourced a huge registration task to a development company in India and they aren't producing as expected.unfortunately, he's doing this for a non-profit so their budget is very small for something like registration. they'd rather use their volunteer manpower if they had to (if development cost is too high).so anyways, he needs some php developers who would be willing to work for relatively cheap to code supplemental parts of this registration system. he has a clear vision (which is all down in a nice long word doc) of what registration should be like so there's no problem with last-minute changes or anything like that. it would just require you to read over the doc and glance over how the other developers from india have done things so far and then start your bit.if you're interested, he said he can pay $12-$15/hour based on experience but he needs someone right away to meet his deadline of mid- to late-November.
10/15/2006 10:46:25 PM
you might be able to find more experienced developers for $20-$30 an hour. They also produce results faster so it will still cost around the same. Thing is, do you want it done right or just done.
10/15/2006 11:17:23 PM
they may be willing to pay a bit more once they feel the pressure of their deadline so i guess just let me know how much you'd charge.
10/15/2006 11:28:26 PM
oh not me lol. Just giving you a heads up. Contact the CSC department and the engineering department. They have lots of students looking for work and you might get lucky and get a good coder. I'll PM you the contact #'s.
10/16/2006 6:45:30 AM
at 15 an hour, you shouldnt have any trouble finding student dev's.Def get in touch with some people over in CSC.
10/16/2006 9:47:38 AM