What are JOHN MCCREERY's exams like? Business Process Management
10/9/2006 6:13:09 PM
McCreery's an awesome prof.His tests are indeed challenging, they aren't ones you can just not study for an expect to do well, and what you get is what you get. Don't pray for a curve to save you. I lacked like .3 from an "A", and sure enough, got an "A-"Study his homeworks a lot, and make VERY SURE you understand the Excel things you'll do in class w/ that workbook (the name escapes me...). He will go over & re-go over anything you don't understand, so when he says "Do you understand?" he's not kidding around. Make sure you really GET everything he emphasizes, as you'll probably see it at least once on the test.So basically: you won't see anything outta the blue, but you will be expected to thoroughly know the homeworks & stuff you covered in class
10/10/2006 8:05:11 AM
I really need help with a Simquick model ... someone please PM me who has taken his class ... it'd be great if you would send me a ph# please so I can call rather than e-tagSummary of issue:one workstation feeding four workstations, all five WS's share the same pool (of 4) of a resource. Buffering to prevent replication. However, we're seeing the buffer with a cycle time of 3H (should be zero) while all 5 WS's are showing a cycle time of 0 (how the fuck is that possible?????)
11/3/2006 10:39:48 PM