how do you just get straight r, the closest I can get the coeffecient for least squares regression
10/5/2006 11:06:45 PM
i don't have a TI-83 anymore but I think you have to go to catalog and go to the D to where it says Diagnostics and turn it on. Then when you find your lsr line r and r squared will be provided for you.
10/5/2006 11:22:47 PM
if you get r^2 then u square root it and look at the plot if it has a negative slope its negative, if possitive, then possitive.
10/6/2006 1:21:59 AM
^^ but yea that works too. Also If you to stat->Tests->LinregTTEst that should work too, but only for a linear line.
10/6/2006 1:24:08 AM
you guys are silly. go to 2nd- catalog and go down to diagonistics On, hit enter.. then once you have your data in your lists go to, stat, calc, and then do linreg for a linear line, or quad for like an x^2 line, or whatever you are looking for, it will tell you r and r^2.
10/9/2006 1:18:03 AM