For those who have taken either of the above professors, who do you prefer and who would do a better job of teaching ACC 311? thanks!
10/4/2006 9:03:05 AM
Pagach is good. I heard Griffin have too much work.
10/5/2006 12:10:02 AM
i'd go with griffin. she makes you do more work, but she is a GREAT professor.
10/5/2006 12:37:49 AM
I would definitely recommend taking Griffin. I took Pagach and dropped it with a couple weeks left in the semester b/c I was going to fail. I am taking Griffin right now and I am doing so much better. Pagach teaches really fast...Griffin teaches really slow and she does have a lot of work but it only helps ur grade and its not hard. Plus she drops a couple of quizzes and hws and helps you out on a low test.
11/17/2006 12:02:51 AM
does he curve at all?
11/17/2006 7:57:42 AM